How long does training last in a Contact and Call Center?

How long does training last in a Contact and Call Center?

I often get asked by potential employees “how long does training last?” It’s funny to see their reaction when I look them straight in the eye and say, “training never ends!”

Now you have to understand, we are a boutique near-shore contact center that pays premium salaries in the BPO space in Guatemala, Central America. We have built a great reputation and so when hiring opportunities become available we get applications from employees of all the major call centers in town. Those employees have gone through the training process of major Fortune 500 companies. Accounts that represent many of the biggest names in the Airline, Hotel, Cruise, Energy, Shipping, Cell phone, Cable, Retail and Internet space.

“Training never ends?” I’m asked. “Never” I respond and I explain GuateCall’s philosophy on training.

When most companies train their employees, they explain about the company, the product or service, the benefits, the system, policies etc etc. They start with classroom training, then side-by-side and then it’s off to the races.

At GuateCall, we compare that philosophy to that of a stone that had a rush of water going over it for a while. What happens to the stone? It starts to get smooth on top and that makes for a good customer experience. But what if you want to change the culture of service? What if you want an awesome customer experience from people that take ownership of the brand? Well that takes a lot more than a rush of water to smooth out the top of the stone. What needs to happen is a consistent drip of water hitting that stone. Drip, drip, drip and drip some more until the water starts penetrating the inside of the stone. From Supervisors, Team-Leads and QA support, everyone drips thought processes and ideas to help support the front line staff in their endeavors. We create classes and seminars to teach new skill sets and so much more. In short, we motivate and challenge our people to learn and be more. So when does training at GuateCall end…Never!

This article was written by Perry Silber, COO of GuateCall. GuateCall is a Near-shore contact center provider of multi-channel bilingual services located In Guatemala, Central America. If you would like to learn more about GuateCall, please reach out to me at 713-474-2222 Ext 116 or by e-mail